Home Inspection Reports in Boston Area

home inspection report

A Massachusetts home inspector who works in the home inspection industry and still provides their clients with a handwritten home inspection report is a home inspector who is behind the times.

We live in the age of technology and peopleโ€™s lives are connected to the use of the internet.ย  Computers, websites, and emails are the tools of today.ย  We are proud providers in the home inspectionย services andย provide and meet our client/s needs as aย consumer in todayโ€™s world.ย  We provide our Client/s with a computer-generated typed home inspection report which weย email to them. Not only have a lot of our client/s but so manyย real estate brokers have commented.ย Much easier it is to read a computer-generated typed report.ย Then it is trying to decipher a handwritten report.

They also like the choice we offer their home inspection emailed.ย Making it easier for our client/s to keep track of their report instead of accidentally packing it away or misplacing it in the chaos of the home buying process.ย  An emailed report can also easily be shared between the buyer and his/her real estate broker.ย Which givesย them a tool they can use to help their buyer/s in the negotiation stage of the home buying processes.ย  Another commentย weโ€™veย heard from our environmentally conscious clients is that they like the option of an emailed report which in turn helps save the trees thus the environment.

The following are the 3 types of home inspection services we offer to our clients:

1.) Home Inspection for Buyer/s and or Seller/s

Our clients, whether they are buyer/s or seller/s, and requested that Clayton Home Inspection perform a Home Inspection on particular real estate property. Youย will receive a computer-generated typed Home Inspectionย Report.ย  Theย Home Inspection Reportย emailed to our client within 24-48 hours of theย completionย of the home inspection process. ย All of our home inspection reports include a Wood Destroying Insect Infestation Report which meets with all FHA/VA and HUD requirements.ย  The complete report consists of 13+ pages with narrative comments as well as a checklist pertaining to the various components within the home.

This service is offered to a Buyer/s who interested in purchasing a particular real estate property. As well as a Seller/s whoโ€™s interested in an inspection done on their property prior to putting it on the real estate market.

Our Home Inspection Reports do not contain photos unless they are requested and at an additional fee.ย ย Photos included is a service requested mostly by our Buyer/s. Who are relocating from another state/location and who are unable to be present at the time of the home inspection.ย Due to distance or personal circumstances. ย This serviceย is made available to anyone of our clients who choose to request it. We strongly advise all of our clients that they make every attempt to be present during the home inspection process.ย  It is extremely beneficial to you to have a visual inspection than to try toย decipherย a report and or try to understand. The issues and or its location within the Home Inspection Report.

A sample of a Home Inspection Report without photos

2. Home Inspection for Buyer/s and or Seller/s including photos

Sample report 10 Shore Dr Marshfield Ma. WITH PHOTOS

Clayton Home Inspection also offers at anย additional fee.ย we will provide up to (36 ) photos incorporated within your Home Inspection report. The photos willย depictย any issue/s pertaining to the inspected property.ย Noted at the time of the home inspection,ย along with a narrative caption stating the ongoing issue depicted in that particular pictureย and our recommendation/s. ย Also included within your Home Inspection reportย will beย a Wood Destroying Insect Infestation Report. If you request photos incorporated within your report. ย You will then receive your Home Inspection report via email within 36-48 hrs. of the completion of your home inspection process.

ย ย ย ย ย ย A sample of aย  Photo Inspection Summary Report Only.ย 

3. Inspection for Commercial Properties

Because weย provide our Clients who request aย Commercial Propertyย inspected.ย Aย Commercial Summary Inspection Report with or without the use of pictures. ย  While our Clientโ€™s report will consist of a 12+ page report with a checklist report. Pertaining toย the various components. Within the property and we have customizing reports like Exterior inspection. Only an interior common area inspection based on the needs of our clients, along with a Commercial Summary Inspection Report.ย Consisting of pictures as requested taken of any/all ongoing issue/s pertaining to the inspected Commercial Property.ย  Each picture will have a narrative caption in which it states the ongoing issue/s depicted in that particular picture. ย  ย Upon request, They will also receive a Wood Destroying Insect Infestation Report. All reports emailed to the Client within 24-96 ย hours from the date the property inspection. Depending upon the request.

Online Radon Kit Test Results

Sample of a Radon Kit Test Results

EPA Website

Water Quality Test Sample

Wood Destroying Insect Report

* Home Inspections Boston and Worcester area include a FREE Insect/Pest Inspections

Boston Home Inspectors, Home Inspection Massachusetts, Home Inspection Boston

Boston Home Inspectors, Worcester home inspection mass A+ Rating on the Better Business Bureau. Home Inspections performed within the Home inspectors rules. Providing handwritten home inspection reports are home inspector ofย Massachusetts are behind the times.