Removal of widow maker tree near house

In addition removal of dead tree near house is important to prevent damage to the house and a safety risk and prevent squirrel nest. This tree fell and got stuck between the old dead trunk and Oak tree known as a widow maker. This tree had squirrels nesting in the past.
This type of tree fallen is very dangerous when removing and cutting. The safest alternative is to get a crane and a professional company to come in to remove the tree. When I was young, I worked at a landscape tree company and worked trimming and cutting trees with chainsaws.
Dangerous tree near house
Technically removal of the widow maker tree was beyond my scope of expertise. I was willing to take the challenge. My wife said, if I don’t get rid of the tree she’s going to call somebody and have it professionally removed costing thousands of dollars.
This was the incentive for me. chainsaw blade $20, Learning how to take the tree down safely was an education. Watching my wife watch me on the video cut down the tree priceless.
Cutting down the tree was not the hard part. The hard part was knowing how to cut and where to stand when I felt the tree was going to fall.
I made multiple strategic cuts in areas of the tree so, the blade did not bind or kick back and I did not get crushed by the tree. These are just some of the small details that was going through my mind when cutting this type of fallen tree.
And I cut this tree into multiple sections and each section posed a more challenging and more dangerous scenario.
The first cut dropped approximately 4 feet and got even more wedged into the ground.
The second cut did the same thing but the tree was in a more standing position.
The third and final cut was probably the most challenging. I had to use the chainsaw cutting at some point over my head in order to cut the trees. The whole rest of the tree would fall down on the ground.