Remove Squirrels on roof from your house

Squirrels on roof continued

Squirrels on roof The first idea failed and then it was on to the next best idea. The second thing I tried was to fully evaluate, scout out the exterior of the house, thatโ€™s when I noticed. The tree limbsย  on the side of the house was touching the side of the house. These are the types of things that I recommend to my clients. Keep the trees cut back away from the house to prevent damage or rodent invitation.ย 

Squirrels on wire and roof

ย My idea to grow the tree near the house was to give the house some shade. Unfortunately my house and the tree lot line is very close. I donโ€™t have the opportunity of growing a tree further away from my house to shade the house. I love my elm tree and I did not want to cut the tree down but, I could trim the limbs back away from the house.ย 

Tree near house

ย My idea to grow the tree near the house was to give the house some shade. Unfortunately my house and the tree lot line is very close. I donโ€™t have the opportunity of growing a tree further away from my house to shade the house. I love my elm tree, I did not want to cut the tree down but, I could trim the limbs back away from the house.ย 

Two squirrels on roof

ย The two squirrels were still up on the roof. Leaving the squirrels potentially stuck on the roof. I believed that the squirrels could jump off of the roof onto the trees. I did not believe that the squirrels could return from the tree to the roof due to the distance separation of the tree to the house.

Squirrel on roof

This is the squirrel looking off of the edge of the roof. In the video at this point there are three squirrels on the roof and two on the wire. We originally started out with one squirrel and then we found there were two squirrels and now with this video we have five squirrels. ย 

Think Outside the box

I decided to think outside the box and actually confront the squirrels verbally.ย 

At this point after seeing at least five squirrels I thought I was going out of my mind and things were only going to get worse but, at this point it looks like the worst case scenario.ย 

Fake squirrel

I saw a piece of landscape filter fabric that had been bunched up looking kind of like a squirrel.

Then I picked up the piece of landscape filter fabric holding it in my hand above my head in the air facing the squirrels. I shouted toย the squirrels (this is going to be you the next time you get up on my roof) so, I took the squirrel looking landscape filter fabric in my hand and I lifted the cover of the recycling been and I threw the squirrel like landscape filter fabric into the recycling bin.ย 

I noticed the squirrels for whatever reason weโ€™re all observing what I was doing and started making strange noises. Two of the squirrels turned around and scurried up to the back of the roof to never appear again. The other three squirrels screeched as if to tell me to go to blank or something of that sort. I thought this was the beginning of what was going to be a long battle.ย 

Squirrels on my roof solution

The next day my wife and I decided to make up some battle plans to deal with a little squirrel problem I turned into a little bit of a nightmare. We did some homework and my wife discovered a great idea to prevent the squirrels from entering the roof from the electrical service wires.ย 

squirrel solution wire cover

My wife recommended taking a 4 foot section of PVC waste drain cutting the long way and installing it on top of the electrical wire. I had a spare piece of PVC waste drain typically use for plumbing. I cut theย  waist drain in half the long way and installed it over the wire and taped it in four different areas.

Squirrels in tree

ย Since we installed this protection on the wire and trimmed back the tree. We have not had squirrels on the roof. On a good note I did notice the squirrels happily living in the trees in the backyard.


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