Home Inspection Ashburnham

My name is Thomas Herbst I am a Home inspector in Ashburnham Ma area. I started Clayton Home Inspections in 1994 delivering a thorough home inspection in Ashburnham Ma so, homebuyers can feel good about moving into their new home. Prior to that, I Also was in construction since 1979. I Also started from the ground up and have a Pest Certification License over many years and Certified Wood destroying certification for many years now and retained my pest license and Home inspector License ever since.
Knowledge from a Home Inspector
This knowledge and Experience is useful when inspecting the structure also electrical system, plumbing system, heating system and looking for signs of active insect or damage, as insects can cause significant damage to a house. It is highly unlikely that you will find another home inspector with that much experience in House construction and pest damage Identification, along with that much experience in home inspections. Also, I’m not just talking about having a Home Inspection license. I’m Also speaking about having the genuine experience as a Contractor who has overseen multi-million dollar house constructions. Anybody can get a Home improvement license.
If you want to find some of the best home inspectors near me in Ashburnham Ma, you certainly need to do some research. There’s nothing worse than moving into a house and then recognizing that you need to drop $10,000-50K into it immediately, all because of an unskilled home inspector.
First, go to the State’s Board of Home Inspectors’ website and make certain the inspector’s license is still effective. Next, check the inspector out at the Better Business Bureau. Check for complaints and read any reviews that may be posted.
Don’t go for the inexpensive home adviser home inspector. In this industry, oftentimes you usually get what you pay for. Whatever you’re spending for that house, it’s a lot of money and searching for a home inspector with a “bargain-basement hunter’s” mentality is certainly not the right method. Hope to hear from you soon.
What‘s inspected by a Home Inspector at a Home Inspection Ashburnham Ma?
Water damage Inspection
This is a significant part of a home inspection, as water is a home’s “worst adversary”. I am additionally inspecting the gutters and downspouts to safeguard they are taking the water far enough away from the structure.
Exterior Inspection at a Home Inspection Ashburnham Ma
I’m examining the walls/siding, fascia’s, rake boards, soffits, and windows. I’m also checking the structural integrity of the building. Inspecting for structural integrity and safety. Inspecting underside, as well (if possible). Examining the condition of the roofing material (ie: shingles, etc.). Also inspecting vent pipes, exhaust vents, and skylights.
Attic Inspection at a Home Inspection Ashburnham Ma
Confirming fundamental reliability of the roof. Making sure the attic appropriately vented and insulated. Examination support system and for signs of water infiltration. Inspecting chimney (if present) and making sure there is a sufficient amount of insulation.
Interior Inspection
Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Doors & Windows Inspection. also The State regulations only require that we operate one door and window per room. I go well beyond that.
Kitchen Inspection
State regulations do not require us to inspect appliances. I do not inspect and operate dishwashers, ranges, microwaves and trash compactors.
Bathroom Inspection
Inspect plus operate all toilets, sinks, tubs, and showers, checking for leaks and proper functionality. Also, inspect any exhaust fans.
Basement Inspection at a Home Inspection Ashburnham Ma
Ensuring structural integrity, looking for signs of water penetration and also inspecting bulkheads.
Heating System Inspection (Temperature Permitting)
Inspect and operate all boilers, furnaces and air handlers. Making sure each room has a heat source. Inspection of oil tank’s not mandated by the State but, they’re included in my home inspection.
Cooling System Inspection (Temperature-permitting)
Inspect and operate all cooling systems in-season (ie: condensers, compressors, evaporator coils, heat pumps, etc.).
Plumbing System Inspection
Inspect plus operate all plumbing fixtures. Observing for leaks in supply and drainage pipes everywhere. Inspecting there are no clogged pipes (backups). Water heaters inspected.
Electrical System Inspection at a Home Inspection Ashburnham Ma
Extremely important part of a home inspection from a cost standpoint, as well as safety. Inspecting all electrical panels. Ensuring proper grounding of an electrical system. Inspecting all visible wiring throughout the building for loose and/or exposed wires. The State regulations only require us to check one outlet per room. I go way beyond that.
Termite Inspection
I am actually looking for any kind of insect damage (ie: carpenter ant, termite, etc.) My 15 years (previous) experience contractor with my 24 years experienced home inspector simply cannot be matched. If you or someone you know has more experience than me in each of these two fields (and can prove it) then I will gladly remove this claim.
Well water test
This test highly recommended for any house well water. I can test for up to 26 items in the water (ie: bacteria, lead, iron, VOC’s etc.).
Radon Testing (add’l fee)
If there is a finished basement or if you plan on finishing it, then this test’s highly recommended. There are also other situations that would constitute performing a radon test.
Introduction to Ashburnham, Massachusetts
A Brief History of Ashburnham, MA
by Christopher J. Gagnon
In 1690, the Province of Massachusetts organized an attack on Quebec in retaliation for French and Indian attacks on the New English in New York, New Hampshire and Maine. The towns also surrounding Boston supplied the officers and soldiers and from Dorchester, Massachusetts came Captain John Withington and his soldiers. The Canada Expedition a failure, it cost the Province more than it could afford and the soldiers were never paid.
Many years the soldiers and their descendants petitioned the Great and General Court for payment and in this effort, in addition the soldiers of Dorchester were represented by Thomas Tilestone. In 1735, 45 years after the Expedition, the soldiers were also paid by a grant of unappropriated land lying northwest of Lunenburg to be 6-miles square, not including any smaller grants in the area. Although This “Canada Grant,” one of many, surrounded 6 previous small grants and filled the void between them, they were; Bluefield, Cambridge, Lexington, Starr, Converse and Rolfe. For the next 29 years, the area was known as Dorchester Canada.
Towns first meeting
Few of the soldiers were still living when the original 60 deeds distributed and the surviving relatives in possession of these deeds lived near Boston. The first town meeting held at the Turk’s Head Tavern, Dorchester on September 22, 1736, officers of the company were selected, surveyors appointed, committees assigned duties. By 1737, the Meeting House lot and Mill Lot were selected and by 1740, a mill and meeting house were in various stages of completion or operation. Lots were surveyed, bridle paths and tiny roads laid out to the mill, Meeting House and various other lots from the only road previously laid through the territory from Lunenburg to Northfield. The threat of Indian attacks curtailed most development between 1744 and 1750.
Wood ash and hogs were the most profitable bartering products that the wilderness could produce but, one product could reap Sterling Pounds, Pearl Ash, Used in makeup and glass manufacture it was prized in England where there wasn’t enough wood to produce it.
Also, In 1761, the issue of the Province Tax began pushing small “Plantations” to incorporate into townships and in 1763, the inhabitants of Dorchester Canada petitioned Governor Bernard to incorporate with a requested name. also Between 1763 and 1765, the parchment damaged, the requested name was illegible. In 1765, John, the second Earl of Ashburnham and appointed “Master of the Great Wardrobe,” a position considered the closest to the Kings ear, the same year Dorchester Canada was incorporated as Ashburnham by our Royalist Governor, Sir Francis Bernard.
First official survey
Also the first official survey of our town in 1795 shows the only industries as two Pot and Pearl Ashies. Ashburnham’s location on the Central New England Divide and high altitude, sends water to the north, south, east and west providing water to the Merrimack River and the Connecticut River and in the early 1800’s sustained enough water power to establish tanneries and mills for the manufacture of lumber, tubs and pails, cotton spinning and furniture, the last bringing it to its manufacturing zenith between 1870 and 1880 employing 480 men, 100 who were convicts due to lack of a workforce. At this time Ashburnham was the second-largest manufacturer of chairs in the world, behind only Gardner.
Ashburnham location
although Location tempered the growth of manufacturing and only one industry began to develop as chairs declined; education. Cushing Academy established in 1875 and grew into an international institution. Although Today Ashburnham’s largest attribute is open space. State Forest, Town Forest and private and also public ownership in trust has given Ashburnham 1/3 of its undeveloped land to open space; a very large though swath of green with seven lakes, numerous ponds, two Watatic Mountains, a number of hills and the convergence of two major New England hiking trails, the Mid-State and the Wapack. Also Ashburnham is the source of the Souhegan River flowing north, the Millers River flowing west, the North Branch of the Nashua via the Phillips Brook flowing east and the Whitman River flowing south.
Ezra Stearns also said in his 1887 History of Ashburnham, “The altitude of the town and the bold and rugged outlines of the landscape, the elements of scenery unsurpassed in beauty and grandeur.” These features of nature are a living inspiration and enjoyment to all who inhabit here, and treasured among golden memories are the visions of matchless sublimity which delighted the childhood and youth of every absent son and daughter of Ashburnham.
The Complete Home Inspection by a Home Inspector Ashburnham Ma
- Exterior home inspection (walls, trim, siding, grading)
- Porch, patio, balcony and deck home inspection
- Roof, flashing, and chimney, vents home inspection
- Structural integrity home inspection
- Interior (walls, floors, ceilings, windows)
- Attic home inspection (including rafters, ceiling joists, insulation, ventilation)
- Basement home inspection (water seepage)
- Heating system home inspection (Force Hot Air, Forced Hot Water, Heat Pumps, and distributions)
- Cooling system home inspection (Compressor, evaporator coil, service lines, drains, disconnects)
- Plumbing system home inspection (waste drains, venting, supply pipes, fixtures)
- Electrical system home inspection (Electrical outlets, wires, service panel(s), breakers, fuses, lighting)
- Termite (VA) home inspection (Included Termites, Carpenter ants, Rodents)
- Radon testing (add’l fee)
- Water analysis (add’l fee)
- Home Inspection Ashburnham Ma