Rivers are over flowing there banks and some houses have water in the basement. This is going to be the best time of the year to perform a home inspection to discover water issues. History of water in basements are showing up now with the water table high and rivers overflowing their banks its too late in the summer or fall. Time to check your sump pump, I would check the float on the pump to make sure it activates the motor on the pump and if it does not then your probably need to change the pump and  you better act soon so you don’t end up with water in your basement. Buying pump when the water is flooding your basement is to late because if you are looking to buy a pump then you can’t tell that half the town is not do the same thing. Act now and not when all the pumps are gone at the store and you have to call the fire department to pump you out, That is a waste of valuable service and tax dollars going to waste. Please call if you have any questions Clayton Home Inspection 978-897-7167